FCK banks
control ur finances
Wallet and Exchange FCK/USDT
Trading in the FCK/LTC pair
Independent news service
FCK accepted
FCKers Club
FCKbankscoin reborn
What is FCKbankscoin ?
FCKbankscoin is the simplest expression of affection for Banks
FCKbankscoin, a brief description of our interesting history:
Start / Death / Rebirth
FCK was launched on 29.12.2013.
Many believed that this project had great investment potential.
Unfortunately, the practice of "giveaways" and too large premine was a mistake, as all coins immediately went to the exchanges in sales orders.
FCK died in 2014.
In early 2018, a few of fans of the classic PoW cryptocurrency decided to reactivate FCKbankscoin. The three FCKers are from the US, the UK and Poland.
After 10 years since the "death" of FCKbankscoin, many "fat" wallets have been lost or deleted.
According to our calculations and explorer analysis, only about 4.5 billion FCKs are available (out of a total of 22 billion).
The current project is entirely owned by the community. There is no more premine, and the value is entirely dependent on the community.
The reward per block halves every 100,000 blocks.
But it doesn't matter anymore, because from 2013 to today, all FCKs have been mined: 22,641,960,946 FCKs to be exact.
In the coming years, maybe 1 more FCK will be mined....
If you like the idea of FCK reactivation and/or want to join the FCKers Club, please contact us directly. Any help is welcome!
Please configure the FCK node on rpcport 21779 to keep it alive and growing.
Utility FCKbankscoin:
FCK has been selected as the base coin of the service:
No HODL nohodl.org
Any user who has a minimum of 1,000,000 FCK in one address.
He automatically becomes a member of FCKers Club,
so he can promote ads in NH for free.
Remember DYOR before investing !
And always remember,
we do give a fck !
FCK the 1%
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